Do you want to see what other financial services firms are doing about securing their storage & backup systems?
This report – in conjunction with CISO Mag – compiles the opinions of 200 infosec leaders, from the banking & financial services sector to explore one of the least understood areas of ransomware resiliency: storage & backups.
Highlights from the research:
- More than two-thirds of respondents believe an attack on their storage environment will have ‘significant’ or ‘catastrophic’ impact
- Almost 60% of respondents are not confident in their ability to recover from a ransomware attack
- Over two thirds of respondents identified securing storage and backup being specifically addressed in recent external audits
- And yet, storage and backup systems are the two lowest focus areas of organizations’ vulnerability management programs
- Continuously changing priorities, organizational silos, and lack of skilled personnel are the main challenges to effective storage and backup security